søndag 30. desember 2012

Happy 2013!

Happy new year folks! May this year brings the best for you :)

2012 has been a great year for me as i had my son in the last quarter of the year. He is the most precious gift i have. I look at his face and realize how much i love this little boy.

2012 has been a year that has left me with great memories and a life changing experience. Some of the highlights of this year: I became pregnant and had a lovely boy, we travelled to London for my sisters Wedding, we moved to a bigger apartment, we travelled to Pakistan.

I am not going to make any new year resolutions because i know i'm not going to follow them. But yes i have a to-do list for 2013 in my mind. One of them being to become closer to Allah, and to pray and thank him for his countless blessings. I also plan to travel a bit more this year.

What are your 2013 plans?

onsdag 5. desember 2012

DIY: Camera cover

Since i had a baby my regular bag is replaced with the diaper bag, which is crammed with baby stuff. Nappies, wet tissues, extra set of clothes take up most of the space in bag. Carrying a camera bag is not very feasible and putting my beloved camera in the crammed baby bag (or any bag) can put scratches on it. So i came up with the idea of creating a camera sleeve. 

Here are the pictures to get the idea how and what i did. Sorry have no step by step pictures, i was in a hurry to finish it off.

Hope you like it :)

2013 wishlist

Here is some of the stuff which i plan to buy in 2013. Top of the list is the Canon 24-70 lens. 

What's on your wish list?

tirsdag 4. desember 2012

Grab it all!

LO's new activity: grabbing! He grabs onto things brought really close to his hands. He is getting more active and curious with each day. I can see a personality developing in him. Now he is at a stage when crying doesnt necessarily menas he is hungary or sleepy, it may mean he wants to play or being talked to. What a miracle is child development and growing up.

I'm back!

Yes i'm finally back on updating this blog after a long time. The baby is here as you may know, and he is almost 3 months old. He is the cutest thing on this planet. Had a few bad days in the beginning but now we are in a routine, he sleeps well at night with 2 naps during the day. Things are turning out to be great. He has started smiling, talking and grabbing onto stuff. We are going back home in a week, so looking forward to it. It will be LO's first visit meeting the Grandma and cousins.

I have started a private blog as well, where i spend more time. The basic purpose of it is to keep a track of LO's development, milestones and activities. Its mostly full of pictures so dont want to open it up for everyone except family. I might have a book printed of it after years for my son to read.

But i hope to update this blog as well. I will be back with more DIY's :) 

DIY: Hanging garland

I wanted to do this DIY for a long time and finally i did it. Took me on and off three days to finish it. Spent only 30-60 mins each day.
I used coloured papers, craft cutter, string and glue. I'm in love with these colours and quite satisfied the way it turned out. Will be mainly using it as a backdrop for my photoshoots, meanwhile its hanging in the sitting room window. 

onsdag 19. september 2012

09/09/2012 - My birth story! :)

I delivered my baby on 9th september, 10 days before the due date. My precious boy is here with me now to keep me occupied day and night.

My water broke on 8th September at 8 am. I was having contractions about 20 mins apart. We went to hospital and the asked us to either go home or walk downstairs for 2-3 hours until the contractions are closer and they will monitor me again. So i stayed at the hospital and walked and climbed the stairs etc. Nothing much changed .. the contractions were not regular. I was sent home. I had a horrible night that day. The contractions were painful and i screamed through them. At 4 am on Sunday morning i couldnt stand the pain any longer and went to the hospital again. They checked and said the contractions were 8 mins apart, should be 3 mins apart. Sent me home again with pain killers. uffff... Once home i screamed and cried, the pain killers helped me relax a bit. But we went again at 11 am. They took me straight to the labor room and checked how dialated my cervix was, it was 3 cm. Loooooong way to go. I stayed in that bed until 16 pm, and so far i was 5 cm. It was taking too long and the pain was getting unbearable. I had my husband and my mother beside me. A great support and company. I hit and cursed my husband through the contractions, poor guy. Love him to bits. We cried together, we laughed, and screamed together. At 16 i decided to get epidural as there was not much progress. So i got the epidural and then things got better. Thank god!!!! By 20 pm i was 9 cm dialated. The effect of epidural started wearing off, and the midwife was not increasing the dosage, she said i need to feel the pain to push. And so i was in pain again for the next 1-2 hours. Around 21 pm i feltthe urge to puch and i pushed when the midwife told me to. At this point i was too tired and saw no progress. But i was actually progressing. I pushed and pushed through each contraction. Before the last couple of pushes i was given an episiotomy cut and there came the baby with the last final push! My brave husband cut the cord.

They placed him on me covered in his amniotic fluid stuff. I was crying and happy not because the baby was here, but because it was over and i can finally breath normally. My husband and mum were crying hearing the baby cry. Later he was cleaned and measured and we were given some food to fill our empty stomach.

onsdag 29. august 2012

3 weeks!!!!

woohoo!!!!!  Just 3 weeks left till i meet my precious baby iA. Come'on baby, mommy is excited to see you. Not to mention i am also tired of being pregnant. I barely sleep, the frequent toilet visits, cramps, heartburn and itchy feet and palms keeps me awake most of the night/day. It will be all worth it in the end. Right now my heart is exploding with love for my baby.

torsdag 16. august 2012

Baby shopping

I have collected the free baby boxes, just waiting for the last one. They contain all the essentials from sanitizers, rash creams, breast pads, nappies samples etc.

I have bought the most cutest knitted baby booties. They are  so adorable. My mum has also made a blanket for the baby.

We have already bought the baby crib and push chair. What we still need to buy is the baby bath, baby drawer, nappy changing top.

I have the basic baby clothes, lots of onesies. Haven't decided the home bringing dress for the baby yet.  Need a few more shopping trips to have things ready though. 

35 Weeks Update

Lets start off with a picture of belly growth progress

I am pretty big now at 35 weeks compared to 11 weeks, but i still feel i could have been a bit bigger looking at the belly pics in babycenter.

Cravings:  Nothing really! I am having more nausea now. Little smells make me gag!!! Not fun i tell you.

Sleep: My feet and hands have started to swell a little, this makes my body itch. I can't sleep because of the need to scratch off me skin. Somedays are great, i instantly fall asleep and sleep for straight 12 hours!!! But some days, I'm awake until 6 am. This will pass, but wil more sleep issues :)

Weight:  I am 73.2 kg at the moment.

Fetal movement: My baby is so active, he is constantly moving around that it gets painful. He kicks on my bladder and ribs and i jump with pain. eeeeek .. but yes its very comforting to see he is doing fine.

onsdag 25. juli 2012

32 weeks + update

Almost a month since my last post. Been quite busy with shifting and settling down, but now we are pretty much settled in new apartment. Its great to have a super big place to live in, its much more airy and filled with light. Had our first guests staying at our place last week. It was stressful but refreshing, but i really got tired. 

On the pregnancy front i am today 32 weeks + 4 days pregnant.  Kinda scared about the labor part but at the end it will be worth it. All the morning sickness, heartburn, peeing every 10 Secs, not being able to get comfortable, not being able to walk straighat, not being able to get off the bed, not being able to sleep. At the end it will all be worth it when I hold my  littles baby in my arms and look at him with a big smile :) iA

onsdag 27. juni 2012

28 Weeks + 3 days

Cravings:  strawberries all the way!
Sleep: Not sleeping well this week, mostly im tossing around in the bed. Either because of being cold or being too hot. Having weird dreams. Changing sides is a big chore, as i have pain in my pelvis mostly when i lie down. 2 more days to go then i’ll be on three weeks holidays starting from 1st July. I need that desperately to be more relaxed.
Weight:  I am 70 kg at the moment.
Names:  Ok so we had to give up on the name Kamil. Why, because only one change in alphabet will make it Kamel, which means camel. My father thinks he maybe bullied in school by his name and kids will call him Kamel. And i dont want him to be bullied in any way. So yes right now we have other names in the list like Rayyan, Amaan, Eshaan. Lets see which one gets chosen. Out of these i personally like Rayyan.
Fetal movement: The baby lovesssssssss to move! He is moving all the time now. I can even feel the movement while sitting or walking, which i couldnt before. Thats good Smilefjes 
Negatives:  I ve had diarrhea since a week so quitting vitamins, minerals and iron for a week on midwifes recommendation to see if it helps with the diarrhea. Also feeling sick and nausea in the morning, often end up in gagging or throwing up.
Looking forward to:  moving to our new apartment. Three weeks of holidays. Turning 30 weeks pregnant. My sisters pre wedding party.

torsdag 14. juni 2012

26 weeks + 5 days

Yups thats how far i have come. Last week my baby suddenly stopped moving for two days, so i went to my doctor to have a look and put my fears are ease. But thank god everything was alright, and since then he has been jumping around. I am also beginning to get really big and i’m loving it!


97 days to go!
We also got a bigger 5 room apartment that we wanted so bad. Packing the stuff and winding things up are in the process. We shift on July 1st.
We move from this:
Inntatte skjermbilder1
to this:
Inntatte skjermbilder

So many things are coming up. Like this shifting, my sisters pre wedding girls party, my cousins birthday, and my husbands friend and his wife are coming over for a few days. After that a month long fasting. By then summer will be up and my baby will be soon ready to greet the world.


torsdag 24. mai 2012

23 weeks!

How Far Along: 23 weeks and 5 days
Size of Baby: 11 1/2 inches (about the size of a large mango) and just over one pound.

Cravings: Strawberries, apple milkshake
Sleep: I am sleeping like a baby!!! well somedays are bad. Having leg cramps in the middle of the night but again i fall asleep. 
Sex of Baby: A beautiful baby boy!!! IA 
Weight Gain: I haven't gained much weight as i thought i would. I started off at 66kg before conceiving, dropped the weight to 62 in the first trimester and haven't gained much since then. Right now it 68. Which is only 2 kg more than the actual weight i had. Good ? Bad? No idea... but I'm being more careful in what i eat so i stay healthy with a good weight gain. 
Names: Top name- Kamil :) Meaning perfection. 
Symptoms: Back pain, leg cramps, pelvic pain and pressure that it become very hard for me to walk. Have taken a weeks sick leave and resting all day, feeling much better now. 
Fetal Movement: He is moving mostly when i wake up in the morning , when I'm lying down in the sun and resting and when i go to bed to sleep. And these are not just movements, they are strong kicks.. hehehe 

torsdag 3. mai 2012


Been a while since i last updated. W have been having beautiful sunny intervals in between to make us feel alive. Have been to a few picnics with family.
On the baby front now: i am MA 21 weeks on the way and weigh 66 kg. This is the weight i had when i got pregnant, so after loosing some kilos during first trimester i am back to the initial weight. Not bad. Had a visit at the hospital last wek for a scan. And my little baby waved at us and was sucking on his thumb … aww cuteness. I have started feeling th baby move, its a fluttering feeling as the real kicks hasnt sarted yet. I am continuing to take my prenatal vitamins. Trying to drink a glass of milk daily and eat veggie and fruit portion as well. I have also gotten addicted to apple milkshake Smilefjes 

I’m looking forward to:
Holding my tiny baby in my arms
Baby smiles
Cute inquisitive eyes
Capturing every beautiful moment in my camera

Almost halfway!!!

tirsdag 13. mars 2012

Made my day!!!

Last night during our 30 mins walk hubby made my day by saying that he would’nt have found a better wife than me!!!!!! OMG.. i was over the mooooooon. Love him to bits for saying this and making me feel like the luckiest girl on earth MA.

mandag 5. mars 2012

12 weeks along the way!

Seems like this will turn out to be a pregnancy blog. Since my last update when i  found out i was expecting, i had some stressfull time due to some natural changes which i considered alarming. Being pregant for the first time even a slight twitch can make you concious. But it was nothing to worry about, i saw my lovely baby in my 11 weeks rolling around in his/her  home. It was emotional looking at it.


torsdag 19. januar 2012


MA i got a BFP yesterday. I was a bit reluctant to do the home test so early, but somehow my body told me that its a good news this time. The symptoms included: mood changes, frequent peeing , sore nipples, spasms of pain in lower abdomen, loose stomach.  I did 2 one step pregnancy test (very cheap and bought from ebay) and one clear blue digital test (a bit expensive but more acurate). I just wanted to be really sure that i was preggo. AD was delighted Smilefjes 

I am conerned of what exercises to do, so i guess i’ll be cycling a stationary bike for 30 mins 2-3 times a week. I am already taking folic acid. Adding veggies, fruits and milk conciously to my diet. I will be booking an appointment with my doctor in the mid of february, by then i think i will be 5-6 weeks preg. Maybe thats the best time to make the anouncement to our families. My mum and dad will be super excited to be grand parents … aaawwwww


This is how big or small the baby is atm:


tirsdag 10. januar 2012

Motivation enough!?

What a motivational picture! I see myself as the woman on the right in a few months time, thakfully i’m not there yet and would never let that happen!  My goal is the body on the left!  I am motivated enough to cut down on sugar. Well yesterday i had three chocolate cookies but i’m working on cutting down.

Exercise routine this week:

Monday: 20  mins spinning, 10 mins abs

Tuesday: 20-30 mins eliptical trainer, crunches, abs

Wednesday: Free

Thursday: 20-30 mins eliptical trainer, legs


Saturday:  20 mins spinning, 10 mins abs

Sunday: Free


fredag 6. januar 2012

Travel wishlist….

As much as i’m a little scared of air travel, i absolutely love travelling. I have a list of places i want to visit this year and the coming years:

  • Santorini, Greece
  • Nice, France
  • London (never get enough of it)
  • Lisbon, Portugal
  • Madrid, Spain
  • Croatia
  • Cyprus
  • Stockholm, again!
  • Marrakech, Morocco
  • Istanbul, Turkey
  • Bergen
  • Malaysia
  • Singapore
  • Chinaaaa
  • the list goes on and on


Lets see where i end up going this year. Its always exciting ♥












                     Photo: Google

tirsdag 3. januar 2012


While its raining outside, i'm sitting on the couch and watching 'single white female' and thought why not upload some pictures from trip to Dubai. I'll keep updating this post as i sort the pics out.

Things to do and see in Dubai:

  1. Eating out! Eat till you drop!
  2. Shopping. You will find the worlds brands all in one place in the malls. Didnt see Primark though :P
  3. Dubai mall, Emirates mall, Ibne Batutta mall are worth visiting.
  4. Visit Medinat Jumairah, very nice place made in the old Arab architecture, with numerous restaurants around it and the view to the Burj Arab.
  5. I did the cruise in Marina, which was a nice experience. 
  6. Gold souk for gold jewellery
  7. Top of burj Khalifa, the worlds tallest building (we didnt do it)
  8. Dancing fountains at the dubai mall/burj khalifa. 
  9. Do visit the beach.
  10. Taxis are very cheap there, so rely on them

Medinat Jumairah, Atlantis (Palm island), 
Marina, Marina cruise (From top left to right)

Drama Queen 

mandag 2. januar 2012

2012 resolutions

Since i am in the mood to write so why not write about my resolutions for this year. Maybe writing things down will make my mind more focussed and help me in being a bettre person:
  1. First and the foremost, i want to be able to pray regularly. Deep down i know i'm doing wrong by not getting up for the prayer but thats how it is. I KNOW IT i have to do it, i have no choice. !!
  2. Go to gym atleast twice a week. Get rid of extra fat!
  3. Take care of myself, my diet, hair, makeup, home.
  4. Indulge more in cooking. Learn to enjoy and love cooking. 
  5. Stay happy
  6. Be a positive person
  7. Be strong 
  8. Travel more
  9. Read more books
  10. Have a better relationship with my other half
  11. And blog more :) 

Thats all i can think of right now. 

Drama Queen