MA i got a BFP yesterday. I was a bit reluctant to do the home test so early, but somehow my body told me that its a good news this time. The symptoms included: mood changes, frequent peeing , sore nipples, spasms of pain in lower abdomen, loose stomach. I did 2 one step pregnancy test (very cheap and bought from ebay) and one clear blue digital test (a bit expensive but more acurate). I just wanted to be really sure that i was preggo. AD was delighted
I am conerned of what exercises to do, so i guess i’ll be cycling a stationary bike for 30 mins 2-3 times a week. I am already taking folic acid. Adding veggies, fruits and milk conciously to my diet. I will be booking an appointment with my doctor in the mid of february, by then i think i will be 5-6 weeks preg. Maybe thats the best time to make the anouncement to our families. My mum and dad will be super excited to be grand parents … aaawwwww
This is how big or small the baby is atm: