So after almost 1 year of being away from work I’m back to work! Gosh so much has changed during this one year. I rememeber i was pregnant this time last year. Now i am a mother of a 10 months old! It was great to wakeup to his lovely smile, I miss that badly since i leave him asleep when i leave home in the morning. Good thing is i’m only working 80% which is 6 hours a day, I start at 8am and is home by 3 pm. This gives me the oppertunity to be home early, be less stressed and spend more time with my baby, this overweighs the less pay i get in the end.
I am liking this change of routine, of getting ready each morning and meeting people. Baby still hasnt found a place at kindergarten, so we will take turns in taking care of him until he finds a spot. For now his dadi and nani are there for him.
I know i have been extremely lazy in updating n this blog. But we have guests staying over and i’m extremely busy with that. Hope to be more active.